Thursday, December 20, 2012

Blizzard!  The chickens went outside only in short bursts today, then when the wind blew, in they went.  We have about a foot of snow so far and lots of wind but as long as the power stays on,
the chickens will be warm. 
 Good news, the hens decided to leave Trouble's feet alone (long story, they were picking on his feet).  I think between using vetwrap and their new interest in snow made the difference.

Inside, the Sunshine and the chicks are nice and warm, and growing!  Here's Lulu and mom.

And here's Sunny and mom.  Yes, Sunny is a lot bigger than Lulu, we're thinking Sunny might be a little rooster.  They are both getting more feathers every day, they have nice wings now and love to play on Sunshine's back and run and flap their wings.  Their songs are so pretty!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

The chicks are doing great!  They're so cute!  Sunshine taught them both to eat and drink and they are now roaming the brooding box with mom, then diving under her for a quick nap. 

Lulu discovered it's so much fun to climb on mom!  Lulu is tiny, she (or he, then the name will become Louie) came out of the smaller egg and was the first to hatch.  She looks like a Buff Silkie chick.  It's hard to tell by the pictures, but Sunshine is a very small bantam hen, Lulu's body is about the size of a walnut.

Friday, December 7, 2012

They BOTH HATCHED!!!  They are soooo cute!!! 

Here's Chick #2, it hatched during the night.  They are both dry and fluffy and peeking out of momma's feathers every now and then.  Momma Sunshine makes a noise and out they come peeping back.  So cute!  They look like Buff and Partridge Silkie chicks.


Thursday, December 6, 2012

Sunshine is a MOM!!!  The first egg was pipping at 6 pm and hatched out by 9:30 pm.  We moved Sunshine, her chick and egg into the house to the brooder box tonight when we got home from church.  The little chick is so tiny it looks like a baby bird!  Sunshine is a buff orpington bantam, and she's a small one, the eggs weren't very big either.  The other egg is pipping and peeping now at 11:30 pm and we're hoping to see a second chick by morning. 

The little chick is hard to see beside her, but it looks like it'll have the silkie dark skin (our rooster is a silkie) and has tannish fuzz with a speckle on it's head.  It's very adventurous already and it's so cute to hear Sunshine talking to it! 

Sunshine's Eggs are on DAY 18 and THEY ARE PEEPING!!!  She was out of the box eating and mom heard peeping and discovered the eggs were peeping!  Once Sunshine heard them, she went right back and layed on them.  We are about 1-3 days away from hatching!! 

Trouble (Mr. Rooster) got injured yesterday.  He had scrapes on his feet and had some foot feathers pulled out or broken off.  So, like chickens do, the rest were pecking at him.  We brought him in, cleaned him up, put good stuff on his feet and sent him back out.  But, the hens wouldn't leave him alone, so we brought him back in, cleaned him up again and now he's in a dog kennel in the coop until his feet heal.  Poor rooster . . .

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Egg Candling:  We're learning how to candle eggs (it just means shining a very bright flashlight into the egg in a dark room so you can see what's inside).  Here's a really neat video of candling where you can actually SEE THE HEART BEATING ON DAY 5!  Scroll ahead to 8:15 on the timer if you want to get right to the best part!  This is in a duck egg, so it's much easier to see then the chicken eggs.

Why are we candling??  Little Miss Sunshine is sitting on eggs, she's been on them now for a week.  Yes, it's the wrong time of year, but she decided to be broody and successfully sat and layed an egg a day for three days and is still sitting on them.  She gets up off them for about 15 min. each day.  We've been having a little trouble keeping the other hens from getting in with her and laying their eggs (she chose the box that everyone seems to like to lay their eggs in, even though there are 5 other boxes to choose from).  :-)  If all goes well, the eggs will hatch in about 21 days.  We are hopeful, but not too much since it's almost December and getting cold.  She's nice and warm and so are her eggs, but anything can happen this time of year.  We will keep you updated!
Here's one more video of an egg being candled, clearly showing the little chick moving around inside!  So cool!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Sunshine is a HEN! 
She layed her 1st egg on Monday (10/22) and it's TINY!!!  Look at it compared to the other eggs!

She hasn't layed an egg since Monday, but she was sitting in the nest box today, so maybe she's thinking about one.  Fuzz is broody, but won't sit on eggs without a days break in between (so we took the eggs out from under her, but she's still trying to hatch something).  I was just outside holding the rooster, he's not very tame on the ground, but is very tame in the air.  :-)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Rose is a hen!! 
She layed her first egg yesterday!  A big surprise and a HUGE egg!  Rose is a Redstar (cross between a Rhode Island Red and a New Hampshire Red), she's a big girl.
Martha the cheek-puff saying "Hi!" (she's a bearded Americana, but it sure sounds better to say cheek-puff).  That's Amelia in the background.  Everyone is growing, combs and all!  The younger group is 4 1/2 months, the older group is just over 6 months.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Rainy Day This Afternoon
Rainy Day Fuzz . . . this is what Silkies look like in the rain.  Poor Fuzz

Here they are eating an apple.  They really love apples, but the seeds are not good for them so we cut them out first.  You can't see the rain on anyone in this picture but Fuzz, her undercoat of silver is showing through.  She needs a blow dryer!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Fall in Wisconsin --
this is a picture of one of our red pine trees that I took this week for a report on trees.

Here's the Hen House with Trouble the Rooster and Fuzz the Hen outside.

Sunshine is the next one in line to start laying eggs -- come on Sunshine, you can do it!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Thursday, 9/27/12:  Dear little Blackie passed away today, she was just much more fragile then we realized.  We decided to keep her in the house, but she only got to spend one night inside and passed away the next day.  We loved her dearly, she was the most interesting and different chicken that we have ever seen!  If anyone wants a pet house chicken (and doesn't care much about eggs), we would definitely recommend a Seabright or two.  They make wonderful friends!

So, that's the bad news. 
The good news (on the very same day, thank you Lord for good and bad today) is . . .

Fuzz layed her first egg!! 
Here I am holding her first and second eggs.  We were so surprised to find the first one, she has now layed 5 eggs and each one is perfectly shaped, and becoming lighter and a little pinker each time.  I ate Day #2 egg and it was delicious!  I just went outside and picked up her fifth egg!  She did a lot of cackling today (and that made the rooster join in too). 

We Moved!
The chickens moved into their new coop and HUGE yard over a week ago,
they LOVE it! 
 It's not quite finished on the outside and we'll post more pictures as soon as it is.  See how big it is next to the old one?  The new is insulated, hs 6 nest boxes and 3 roosts (Fuzz is laying her eggs in a nest on the floor).

Friday, September 21, 2012

Month 5 3/4:  Well, A LOT has happened here since I last posted. 
First, from Blackie . . .
 "Hi, it's cold here, please send blanket to me!  I love to be in the house, it's warm! 
Here's me visiting . . ."

"I LOVE yogurt . . ."

"And I love to visit school!"
The chickens all LOVE Chicken Oats!
Everyone out here is anxiously waiting for us to get the new (another NEW, larger) coop done so they can move in before it gets too cold.  We now have 12 hens and 1 rooster (6 Americana hens, 2 Blackstar hens, 1 Redstar hen, 1 Silkie bantam hen, 1 Silkie bantam rooster, 1 Seabright hen, and 1 Buff Orpington bantam hen), and no eggs yet.
This is me and Fuzz, she likes yogurt too, but all the chickens have to clean their beaks off in the dirt after they eat it.  I guess they don't like dirty beaks!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Day 84:  A lot has happened in this last month! 
First, everyone has grown! 

Freckles was becoming mean with the other roosters, so he went to live with someone else.

All of my chickens moved to the outside coop when mom's chicks came.  Cupcake (the speckled Rooster above) became a free-range rooster a couple weeks ago after he started fighting with Trouble (the white Silkie above).  He stayed in a very large dog kennel at night, but unfortunately, a raccoon got him last night.  He was doing very well at the free-ranging, but I guess we didn't realize we had raccoons in the area and didn't anticipate their craftiness. 

So here is our rooster, Trouble (or Cowboy as mom & dad sometimes call him because of his "chaps"), a very nice rooster and he will have a lot of hens to take care of.  I'll tell you about our new chicks tomorrow (they're 4 weeks old already)!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Day 48:  Freckles visited the new coop,
tried out the perch and took a chick-nap (much shorter than cat-naps).
We're building their chicken coop as fast as we can
so they can get in it before they outgrow their brooder box! 

The chicks LOVE it outside!
They're spending a lot of the afternoon outside now in a large dog crate
and they are loving the warm weather.

Fuzz is very tame and dad thinks she's spoiled.

Why would he think that?!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Day 33:  The chicks are outside talking to Cousin Riley on Skype!  They look like they're having a conversation about what Riley is showing them (a new roll of tape).  :-) 

Miss Sunshine says "Hi, I am happy outside because I have such fluffy feathers!"

Cowboy is sporting some impressive chaps!

Someone has been crowing lately -- we caught the "someone" today, it was Freckles.  So, we're no longer sure of anything.  I guess we'll have to wait and see. 

Monday, May 14, 2012

Day 26:  This is COWBOY!  He used to be Trouble, we renamed him since it looks like he's wearing chaps and cowboy boots with his feathery feet.  We're thinking he's a rooster, though we're not 100% sure of anything yet.

I discovered that Freckles and Cupcake like to play with pinecones.  We took them all outside together today and put them in a pen for about a half hour.  They loved it (of course)!  It was in the 80s today, a perfect day to be out!

Sunshine's feathers are coming in very nicely, she's almost out of the ugly stage!

Hi!  Aren't I pretty??  Can I come out tomorrow?

Monday, May 7, 2012

Day 19:  The rest of the bunch visited the great outdoors today!

Fuzz enjoyed it!  She enjoyed it so much that she wanted to have more space and tried to run down the driveway . . . it didn't work.  She's such a lap chicken, we were really surprised at how much she loved being outside!

Cupcake did the opposite of what we expected, she just stood there and didn't move.  Indoors she's one of the most active, but outside, that's another story.  Notice her beautiful wing feathers!

Blackie looked so small outside, she really looks too small for her wings at this stage (Golden Sebright's maintain the ability to fly).  She liked perching on my hand outside, but didn't mind the grass either.

Sunshine was . . . well, I'm not sure, I was paying more attention to Blackie, Mom was watching Sunshine most of the time.  She seemed to like it outside as much as the rest of them.  We could really see her beautiful feathers in the sunlight, she's so pretty.  I can't imagine them getting all grown up, they seem to have been little for so long, it seems they'll stay little forever!!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Day 15:  Outside today for the FIRST TIME! 
Trouble was a little overwhelmed and didn't move much.

Freckles LOVED it outside, she ate 2 insects and walked around pecking at grass
 and clover (they love clover). 

Another FIRST for today, daddy installed a roost and Freckles is the first to use it
(well, the only one so far)! 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Day 13:  Cupcake loves the top of the feeder!

I'm sick today and the chicks have been very nice to come visit me!  Especially Fuzz, she fell asleep in my hands.  So cute!

Fuzz is a Blue Silkie Bantam and Trouble is a White Silkie Bantam with 5 toes and feathers on their feet.  Silkie's make wonderful pets and are know as the "lap dog" of chickens because of their friendly personality and silky soft feathers.  They lay white eggs, make good broody hens, and should weigh around 2 lbs as adults. 

Sunshine is a Buff Orpington Bantam, which are known for being very friendly and good brown egg layers.  They are very docile, adapt well to many environments and have beautiful buff-colored, fluffy feathers.