Monday, May 7, 2012

Day 19:  The rest of the bunch visited the great outdoors today!

Fuzz enjoyed it!  She enjoyed it so much that she wanted to have more space and tried to run down the driveway . . . it didn't work.  She's such a lap chicken, we were really surprised at how much she loved being outside!

Cupcake did the opposite of what we expected, she just stood there and didn't move.  Indoors she's one of the most active, but outside, that's another story.  Notice her beautiful wing feathers!

Blackie looked so small outside, she really looks too small for her wings at this stage (Golden Sebright's maintain the ability to fly).  She liked perching on my hand outside, but didn't mind the grass either.

Sunshine was . . . well, I'm not sure, I was paying more attention to Blackie, Mom was watching Sunshine most of the time.  She seemed to like it outside as much as the rest of them.  We could really see her beautiful feathers in the sunlight, she's so pretty.  I can't imagine them getting all grown up, they seem to have been little for so long, it seems they'll stay little forever!!

1 comment:

  1. they really love it outside. i cant wait to see them when i come. 7 days left of school!! love riley
