Friday, September 21, 2012

Month 5 3/4:  Well, A LOT has happened here since I last posted. 
First, from Blackie . . .
 "Hi, it's cold here, please send blanket to me!  I love to be in the house, it's warm! 
Here's me visiting . . ."

"I LOVE yogurt . . ."

"And I love to visit school!"
The chickens all LOVE Chicken Oats!
Everyone out here is anxiously waiting for us to get the new (another NEW, larger) coop done so they can move in before it gets too cold.  We now have 12 hens and 1 rooster (6 Americana hens, 2 Blackstar hens, 1 Redstar hen, 1 Silkie bantam hen, 1 Silkie bantam rooster, 1 Seabright hen, and 1 Buff Orpington bantam hen), and no eggs yet.
This is me and Fuzz, she likes yogurt too, but all the chickens have to clean their beaks off in the dirt after they eat it.  I guess they don't like dirty beaks!


  1. Hey how is my sunshine!? yogurt? YUM:) sunshine are you laying eggs? be the first one! love RILEY!! hi TRIXIE,OLIVIA,and FUZZ!!! LOVE

    1. Sunshine is great! We think she'll be the first one to lay an egg, she keeps visiting the nest boxes, but nothing yet!

    2. See the picture with all of them eating green oats on the bottom? That's Sunshine on the left (with the black tail feathers) between 2 of the lighter cheek puffs. She's still boss.
