Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Day 13:  Cupcake loves the top of the feeder!

I'm sick today and the chicks have been very nice to come visit me!  Especially Fuzz, she fell asleep in my hands.  So cute!

Fuzz is a Blue Silkie Bantam and Trouble is a White Silkie Bantam with 5 toes and feathers on their feet.  Silkie's make wonderful pets and are know as the "lap dog" of chickens because of their friendly personality and silky soft feathers.  They lay white eggs, make good broody hens, and should weigh around 2 lbs as adults. 

Sunshine is a Buff Orpington Bantam, which are known for being very friendly and good brown egg layers.  They are very docile, adapt well to many environments and have beautiful buff-colored, fluffy feathers. 

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