Thursday, March 24, 2016

  The chicks have been growing...
                                                          And growing...

And growing.
                                                   And we got...Wyandottes!!
When we first got them they were way to small to be in with the other girls. They were younger than we thought...only a day or two old. So we separated them from the rest until they got strong enough to be with the rest.
                                           They've been growing too.
They get along with the others pretty good now, dispite their size difference.
   Puddle is still going outside at night to sleep under Lulu. Puddle is to the size where she (or is it he?) cant go under as much- when she goes under Lulu's wing and you can see her head and tail, but it's good enough for her.
I'll keep putting pictures on as they get older!

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