Saturday, November 26, 2016

Time flies

  Well this is new. Last I put on here the young ones had just moved outside. They are now living in the big coop, and look like big girls. Here you can see our Wyandottes(only two now, the third died), Eleanor, Betsy, and Amelia. They're all laying eggs now, and Betsy just came out of her first broody spell!
   Puddle and Harriet are living in our jail... Puddle hadn't been fitting in with our other roosters, and Harriet had some crop issues so they moved in. And have set up an apparently permanent residence.
   Annie has an impressive pair of cheekpuffs, which she's learned how to fling them away from your hand when you go to touch her.
   Blondie ate an egg a couple days ago... and she pouted when I cleaned up what she hadn't eaten.

   I will put more on again soon!

Thursday, March 24, 2016

  The chicks have been growing...
                                                          And growing...

And growing.
                                                   And we got...Wyandottes!!
When we first got them they were way to small to be in with the other girls. They were younger than we thought...only a day or two old. So we separated them from the rest until they got strong enough to be with the rest.
                                           They've been growing too.
They get along with the others pretty good now, dispite their size difference.
   Puddle is still going outside at night to sleep under Lulu. Puddle is to the size where she (or is it he?) cant go under as much- when she goes under Lulu's wing and you can see her head and tail, but it's good enough for her.
I'll keep putting pictures on as they get older!

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Brand new Cheekpuffs!

                                                        Ta-da! 6 new Americanas!
              We're going to name them after our other cheekpuffs that have died(of course Clara is still going strong, so we're in the process of finding a new name for the remaining one).
                   Puddle has moved into the house with them, although she is still going outside with Lulu at night for a couple of nights. It took a few minutes but they're all buddies!

   Everyone has been enjoying the nice weather we've been having!
                         Puddle has been growing so fast! Her feathers are so cool, they look like Silkie feathers with some of Sunshine's orange. It'll be interesting to see what she turns out like.
                         I'll put more pictures on as the chicks grow!

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Puddle is here!

                                                              This is Puddle!
                                                     She hatched Friday night.
                                                  Lulu is very protective of her.
                                                          They took a selfie!
                                             Here is happy grandma Sunshine.

  She is the only one of the four eggs to hatch. A few days before the hatch date we candled the 3 fertile eggs and they were all doing fine. But, sometimes that happens. We're hoping she's a hen, since she's the only one to hatch.
  She looks a lot like her mom at that age, doesn't she?
                 Here is the brooder box thing that mom built in their coop for them.
  I will put more pictures on as she grows!

Monday, February 8, 2016


  It's been quite a while since I've done a new post, and I think it's about time for an update. 
  Lulu is currently sitting on four eggs! We candled them a few days ago, and saw veins in two of them the other two's shells where to thick to tell yet.
  Poor little Clara is the last remaining of the cheekpuffs (Americanas). She is protesting the cold weather, and sitting on her own personal spot on the roost most of the day.
  Mini Trouble has been doing very well in the big coop with Trouble and they have been getting along amazingly well the last few weeks.
  In the jail, only Fanny (Abe) and Cluck remain. Cluck has been molting. Certainly not the best timing for that. It looked like a chicken exploded in their house from all the feathers she lost.
     We only have 26 chickens now. Hopefully all of Lulu's eggs hatch so we can bring that number up a little. I will put some pictures of the chicks on here when they hatch. =D