Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Fuzz visited today!  Here's Fuzz, Sunshine, Scooter (aka Sunny), and Lulu in the indoor grazing area.  See how big Scooter's getting!!!  And he already started crowing a couple weeks ago!!  Yes, we have a crowing rooster in our kitchen!

We got about 4-5 inches of snow today, but the outside chickens can still come out in their covered area.  We shovel any snow that gets on their ground under the tarp, then sprinkle used shavings around and they love coming outside.  They can run, roost, dust, and eat scratch and veggie scraps outside during the day. 

The hens (and roosters) are all doing great, laying about 6-9 eggs a day, but we've found that isn't quite enough.  We've had such interest in our eggs that we often run out !  We're making plans to get more chicks this spring once it's warm enough to move the kitchen chickens outside.  Dad says no more chickens in the house until these can move out.  With the snow today and no warmth in sight, it might be a while.  In the mean time, we're having fun picking out breeds.  We're looking at Australorps, Wyandottes, and Hamburgs right now, we'll see. 

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