Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Cupcake is such a sweetie!  Look at those wing feathers!

Okay, so we weren't paying very good attention when we picked up our little chicks . . . we don't remember what kinds we have, so we've had to do a bit of guessing and looking at a chick book.  We know Fuzz is a Blue Silkie, Trouble is a White Silkie, Sunshine may be a Black Tailed Buff, Blackie is most likely a Quail Antwerp Belgian, Cupcake might be a White Laced Red (though we hope not), and Freckles could be anything!  They're all bantams (smaller than normal size), we're sure of that.  :-)

Dad brought home a new waterer for them today, but when we got home they had made a wet mess of half of their enclosure.  So we're doing some rearranging. 

Everyone's feathers are really growing, and
Blackies tail feathers are about 1/2 inch long already!

Blackie is beautiful, especially when he stretches out his wings. 
He's staying, rooster or not!

1 comment:

  1. The chicks are really growing.They are so beautiful with their new feathers.It won't be long and they will be laying eggs. Not tomorrow!! We will have to come and see them again... love Grandma and Grandpa
