Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Here is Pinky.
In the house.

Monday night the other chickens(mainly the Black Stars) in her coop were picking on her.  She's molting, so she looks really bad and they all just weren't getting along.  So we brought her in the house.  She actually kinda likes it in here.  Today she has dusted in her bedding at least 5 times.  We let her out to explore this afternoon and she had fun preening, and preening, and preening, and preening...right in the middle of the living room.  
Our dog, Trixie, is kind of scared of her, but Pinky has been throwing food out of her chicken kennel for Trixie to eat so she doesn't mind to much.

Last week Martha, our wonderful mud loving hen, died.  She had been acting strange lately like she was cold and tired, so last Thursday we brought her in the house so she would be warm, knowing she wouldn't live much longer.  
She died that night. 
We are going to name a chick we get this year Martha after her.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

News from the Coop.By Peep

 A lot has been going on lately.
 First they moved Bella from the bantam coop to the big coop-my house-and we were getting along okay untill this big bird came and stole him. Sadly he never came back. Erin said that was fine with her but she doesn't get along with anyone anyway.
 Then Buffy started looking and acting weird.She got very big and round and she just wanted to sit on the roost and do nothing.That didn't make sense to me I would've wanted to go out and play if I was her but I guess she didn't feel very good.The other girls wanted to pick on her so I roosted between her and the others a few times.Then a week or two ago she got better but the others still wern't happy about her so she spends her time on the top of the nest boxes and on the roosts.
 They tell me it's 2015.I don't know what to think of that.
 Now Mini Trouble,Trouble's other grandson is living in the big coop with us.He's used to sleeping in nest boxes an he thinks its safe. But we can't lay eggs when there's a rooster in the nest box so the people have to keep taking him out.
 Yesterday they were cleaning out the coop so us chickens escaped.We had a ton of fun running around in the cold.Untill they were done and had to put us in.We didn't want to go in though. Even round little Martha the Americauna wanted to stay out.
 Well I need to go look for food maybe I can work on putting on some pictures later.
    Written by Peep With help from Olivia.