Monday, October 6, 2014

Update on the Chickens

 Sorry I haven't done anything on here for a while!

Fuzzes "grandkids" have been growing so fast!
 Bella the oldest is sadly a rooster.Mom and Dad have been calling him Fella but I think I'll always call him Bella.
 Mini Trouble is also a rooster.His crowing is the worst sounding crow I have ever heard.
 Splat is the only girl of the silkies this year.Fuzz has been giving her "egg laying lessons"in the nest boxes.
  We will be looking for homes for both roosters.
 Trouble has the 8 young hens in with him.At first he was discusted..but now he has a buddy of one of the young Rhode Island Reds.
 We built a new coop for the bantams.So that left the tractor to become....
JAIL.Some of the older Red Stars,Both Black Stars,and Fanny(Abe) were being mean or to rough on the other chickens so they have moved to their very own Jail.
 All of the chickens have been doing pretty well exept an older Rhode Island Red died of some unknown disease.
 I will try to get some pictures of the new coop,the younger chickens,and the jail on here soon!