Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Sunny dusting in the late summer heat. 
He almost buries himself in all the work of dusting!
We haven't posted all summer, so thought we'd better get you all up-to-date.  Fuzz and her chicks moved outside, they're in the small coop with Sunshine and Lulu (who have both been broody at least once this summer--we didn't let them sit on eggs though).  They're all getting along fairly well.  We're pretty sure all 4 of the Silkie chicks are pullets.  Unfortunately, "Fanny" (Americana/Silkie cross) is a rooster, so we've renamed him Abe.
Everyone in the big coop is laying eggs (there's 21 hens and 1 rooster), we're getting between 12-18 eggs a day!  They love to be let out to graze and scratch around the yard.  They have a large outdoor enclosure and we let them out into the unfenced yard almost everyday.  Scooter (Sunny) is out in the yard on his own every day and stays in a giant dog kennel on the deck at night.  His feathers are so pretty, no one wants to rehome him, but he can get kind of nasty.  We've found out he's afraid of pinwheels.  LOL
Girls in the big coop waiting to be let out into the yard.