Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Fuzz and 2 of her 3 chicks (so far) . . . the one on the left is Fanny (Americauna/Silkie cross), the one on the right is Puff (Silkie), the one underneath is Toot (Silkie).  So far the 2 Silkies look to be blue or maybe splash, we'll see.  The other 2 eggs should hatch today!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Okay, 2 have hatched so far, one egg from Harriet (she's an Americauna) and one of Fuzz's eggs . . .
Fanny and Puff.  Yay Fuzz!  Fuzz is acting super happy.
Fuzz's eggs are PEEPING! 
We moved her and her eggs inside and there is a beak sticking out of one! 
At least some of them should hatch tonight! 
Stay tuned . . .

Friday, May 17, 2013

We don't have any chickens IN the house any more!  Here's a picture about a week before they moved out, there's 6 Red Star, 5 Black Australorp, 2 Rhode Island Red, and 1 Buff Orpington (Buffy). 

Here they are in their own outside coop with Sunshine and LuLu.  Their combs and waddles are growing every day.

Lulu's comb and waddles have grown too!  She's 5 1/2 months old and should start laying eggs soon, but not if she's like Sunshine, she started late.  Sunshine and Lulu are the bosses in their coop and adopted all the chicks fairly well, but Lulu still doesn't really like them.

Sunny has his own coop on the deck and roams free most of the day.  He's grown bigger than our other rooster (Trouble) and has beautiful feathers.  He does a little "turkey dance" when he sees the hens.  :-)

Little Miss Fuzz Fuzz is broody and sitting on 5 eggs (4 of her own, 1 of Harriets)!  Last night we candled and can see them moving inside!  They're due to hatch on 5/30.

That should update you on what's been going on the last 2 months!