Monday, March 18, 2013

We have 28 chickens!!! A few days after the last post dad came home with 6 new chicks!!! they are black Australorps and very cute!! I named one Extra Fluff Because she has extra fluff on her neck.

This is Extra Fluff.
Then we went to the place we get chicks to pick up seed and we got three MORE chicks!! (To replace an Australorp that died).

This is Buffy. She is a Buff Orpington.
She is very cute and does not like to go out of their box (still in kitchen)
because she peeps VERY loudly,as seen above.
On paper towel next to her is her tiny potty.
A few chicks came out and had their pictures taken with it.
We also got two Rhode Island Reds. They are the same size as Buffy but smaller than the rest.
The Australorps are a little bigger but very nice to them.
The Red Stars are a lot bigger than them and seem to think
 that they are just walking pieces of bedding!
This is Pinky (I think). She has really grown a lot.
 I think they are in the ugly stage.
 She had her picture taken with the tiny potty!
Here they are all together. Isn't it a big size difference?
Sunshine, Lulu and Sunny are doing fine and Sunny crowed at 7:30 this morning!
The outside chickens are doing pretty well.  Fuzz is broody again, but is not sitting on anything as usual. Amelia has been pulling out all the cheekpuffs on the other hens, and has been in chicken jail twice (cheekpuffs as we call them, usually called beards, but we like cheekpuff better).

Monday, March 4, 2013

SIX NEW CHICKS!  Saturday we got 6 new Red Star chicks at Tractor Supply on our way home from picking up my new bed!  On the way home I named 1 Pinky Pie Marble Shine and she's spoiled!  She peeps and peeps and peeps and peeps until somebody comes and picks her up (sometimes she's quiet). 

The chicks are about a week old and we moved them into the indoor brooder box (in the kitchen) and Sunshine, Lulu and Sunny moved to . . .

- - - a large dog kennel on the floor.  The first night, Lulu roosted on top of the water bottle all night!  The second night, they all slept together on the floor.  They seem happier now, Sunshine spends most of her time roosting, Sunny has just been dusting on the floor and Lulu does everything.  We took them outside last week a couple of days when the sun was shining and let them stay in the greenhouse a while.   We are hoping to move them outside as soon as spring arrives!