Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Sunshine and her family grazing -- inside!  It's too cold to go out, but they can graze right in the house where we grow the Chicken Oats for the outside chickens. 
We have been letting them graze once a day and they LOVE it!
Miss Fuzz is still broody out in the coop, she won't give up and daddy says "no more chicks until spring", I don't think she heard him.  Everyone else is doing fine, 10 of them were roosting on the upper roost last night!  It was a little tight, but they were nice and warm!  Actually, it's not bad in the coop, we have 2 heat lamps going and their water hasn't frozen at all. 

Friday, January 11, 2013

Fuzz is broody again!  We have very warm weather today, in the 40s, but Sunday should be back to the 20s and everything can get nice and solid again (it's all slushy today and the chickens look like they've been playing in the mud). 

The kitchen chicks are growing!  Here's a closeup of Lulu:

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Sunny (aka Scooter) and Lulu are almost 4 weeks old!  They have grown so much and have beautiful feathers!  Cousin Riley got to visit them over Christmas! 
Here's Scooter (he scoots around in the box so fast, Dad renamed him):

And here's Lulu:

They both have feathered feet, extra toes, some Silkie-like feathers, and are getting Silkie combs (walnut combs).  We added on to their brooder box yesterday, making it 6 inches taller so Sunshine can stretch out tall and the little ones can grow.  I think they like it -- I hope so, it's going to be a while before they can go outside.  They love to eat yogurt, Chicken Oats (we sell them on ebay), and of course chick feed.  They still crawl under mom at night to sleep, she's like a big warm blanket with feathers.
The outside chickens are laying eggs like crazy!  We have 2 heat lamps going in the chicken coop so the water stays unfrozen and the chickens stay warm. 
Happy New Year!