Friday, October 26, 2012

Sunshine is a HEN! 
She layed her 1st egg on Monday (10/22) and it's TINY!!!  Look at it compared to the other eggs!

She hasn't layed an egg since Monday, but she was sitting in the nest box today, so maybe she's thinking about one.  Fuzz is broody, but won't sit on eggs without a days break in between (so we took the eggs out from under her, but she's still trying to hatch something).  I was just outside holding the rooster, he's not very tame on the ground, but is very tame in the air.  :-)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Rose is a hen!! 
She layed her first egg yesterday!  A big surprise and a HUGE egg!  Rose is a Redstar (cross between a Rhode Island Red and a New Hampshire Red), she's a big girl.
Martha the cheek-puff saying "Hi!" (she's a bearded Americana, but it sure sounds better to say cheek-puff).  That's Amelia in the background.  Everyone is growing, combs and all!  The younger group is 4 1/2 months, the older group is just over 6 months.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Rainy Day This Afternoon
Rainy Day Fuzz . . . this is what Silkies look like in the rain.  Poor Fuzz

Here they are eating an apple.  They really love apples, but the seeds are not good for them so we cut them out first.  You can't see the rain on anyone in this picture but Fuzz, her undercoat of silver is showing through.  She needs a blow dryer!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Fall in Wisconsin --
this is a picture of one of our red pine trees that I took this week for a report on trees.

Here's the Hen House with Trouble the Rooster and Fuzz the Hen outside.

Sunshine is the next one in line to start laying eggs -- come on Sunshine, you can do it!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Thursday, 9/27/12:  Dear little Blackie passed away today, she was just much more fragile then we realized.  We decided to keep her in the house, but she only got to spend one night inside and passed away the next day.  We loved her dearly, she was the most interesting and different chicken that we have ever seen!  If anyone wants a pet house chicken (and doesn't care much about eggs), we would definitely recommend a Seabright or two.  They make wonderful friends!

So, that's the bad news. 
The good news (on the very same day, thank you Lord for good and bad today) is . . .

Fuzz layed her first egg!! 
Here I am holding her first and second eggs.  We were so surprised to find the first one, she has now layed 5 eggs and each one is perfectly shaped, and becoming lighter and a little pinker each time.  I ate Day #2 egg and it was delicious!  I just went outside and picked up her fifth egg!  She did a lot of cackling today (and that made the rooster join in too). 

We Moved!
The chickens moved into their new coop and HUGE yard over a week ago,
they LOVE it! 
 It's not quite finished on the outside and we'll post more pictures as soon as it is.  See how big it is next to the old one?  The new is insulated, hs 6 nest boxes and 3 roosts (Fuzz is laying her eggs in a nest on the floor).