Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Day 84:  A lot has happened in this last month! 
First, everyone has grown! 

Freckles was becoming mean with the other roosters, so he went to live with someone else.

All of my chickens moved to the outside coop when mom's chicks came.  Cupcake (the speckled Rooster above) became a free-range rooster a couple weeks ago after he started fighting with Trouble (the white Silkie above).  He stayed in a very large dog kennel at night, but unfortunately, a raccoon got him last night.  He was doing very well at the free-ranging, but I guess we didn't realize we had raccoons in the area and didn't anticipate their craftiness. 

So here is our rooster, Trouble (or Cowboy as mom & dad sometimes call him because of his "chaps"), a very nice rooster and he will have a lot of hens to take care of.  I'll tell you about our new chicks tomorrow (they're 4 weeks old already)!